Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Decisions, decisions

Can you guess what we are about to do?
Some of you may not know that we moved into our new house the same day we brought Luke home from the hospital. No, seriously. Kevin & his dad came back from Florida to close on the house. I had to stay in Florida with Luke until they told us it was ok to leave the state. I walked into our new house with a newborn in one arm and boxes everywhere. Needless to say, decorating was not the first thing on my To Do list. Heck, it wasn't even on the list. We did manage to paint the boys' rooms and bathroom. But then things kept coming up - Christmas, the new season of The Office, a sale at Macy's, vacation. Now that we've been here TEN MONTHS, I'm feeling somewhat guilty that we still don't have much on the walls. I can't exactly keep a glass vase on the coffee table. I can't even leave a magazine laying around without someone eating it. I won't mention any names, but it isn't Sadie. But we can paint.

We did buy a new area rug and a cool bench (go craigslist!) for the area in our house that Fletcher calls the "dance floor." It has some fun colors in it that we will try to incorporate in the rest of the house since our floor plan is so open.

I'll try to remember to take some before and after pictures once the painting is complete.

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