Tuesday, June 17, 2008

At least he's listening

Fletcher has a tendency to touch EVERYTHING when he is eating. Sticky fingers everywhere - on his chair, on his booster seat, on his placemat, the 36 inches around his placemat. You get the picture. It drives us nuts. So lately when he does this I have him get the dishrag and wipe down everything - chair, booster, placemat, table, etc. I'm hoping he'll get tired of having to do this and start using a napkin or at the very least stop touching everything.

Sunday he was wiping down his place and asked, "Mom, can I be done."
I told him, "No, you still have more to clean."

He replied, "I wish I were God and this was the seventh day so I could just rest."

Hmm, I wonder what his Sunday School lesson was about.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

He's definitely a smart kid! He was always cracking me up with stuff like that...

: )