Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Did Someone Call A Repairman?

Kevin wanted to get his lawnmower ready for the spring season.  I can honestly say I had NO IDEA one must "get his lawnmower ready" for the spring cutting season.  I guess it involves sharpening the blades and tightening the doohickeys and what have you. 

Kevin found a guy that comes to your house and takes care of it all.   How convenient is that? 

Mr. Lawnmower Man showed up and Luke was fascinated!  He has a toy lawnmower that he loves (we've had it since Fletcher was 2).  So Luke decided he needed to get his lawnmower ready for the spring cutting season too.  I wanted to go outside and video him, but I knew as soon as he saw the camera he would stop what he was doing.  So I videoed him as best I could from the front door through the side light window.  You can see Mr. Lawnmower Man in the background.  Seriously, it was one of the cutest things ever.  At one point Luke went and found a bungee cord to figure out a way to suspend his lawnmower like Mr. LM was doing.

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