Thursday, March 22, 2012

Carpool Line

Luke's teacher brought him out to the car last week for carpool line.  She is one of the carpool "loaders" so that part didn't alarm me.

I opened the side door, smiled and said, "Hey, Luke" like I always do.  As she was helping Luke get into the van, she said, "Luke really impressed us today with his vocabulary."

My heart stopped.

My eyes widened.

My face fell.

I was horrified.

We all know that "Luke impressed us today with his vocabulary" is really nice preschool teacher phrasing for "Luke said a bad word."

I was bracing myself for the worst.

" exactly did he say?" I asked trying to maintain my composure.

She looked at my face and immediately sensed my panic.  "Oh no, nothing bad at all.  I mean, he really did impress us.  We were doing an activity and he used the word 'extraordinarily'.  The other teacher and I were impressed that not only did he know the word, but he used it correctly in a sentence." 

I. Was. So. Relieved. And. Overjoyed. 

"Well, he does watch Word Girl on PBS,"  I said. 

The next day, this is what came home in his class folder.  They were studying the letter "U" and they painted an umbrella then drew something underneath it.  The top of the page (got cut off on the scanner) said "Who is under my umbrella?"  Each child drew a picture and the teacher recorded the child's response.

Luke said, "A people who has one eye and extraordinarily long arms."  I think I can see the long arms and the one eye. 

I'm so proud of my little wordsmith!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey!! I came to see if there were any updates on the blog!! Miss your posts and ALL of y'all!!

Love you!