Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Sesame Street Is Brought To You Today By The Number 10

In the car driving home recently, Luke started counting.  He likes numbers.  He does great through about 29 then he starts saying random numbers in a very random order. Drives. Fletcher. Nuts.

Luke:  (counting) 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 53, 65, 34,

Fletcher:  Luke, why don't you count all the way to 100 by 10s. 

Luke:  10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10....I have to say a lot of dem because 100 is a long way away.

Fletcher:  (exasperated) Luke!  I mean why don't you try counting BY tens.

Luke:  (I am not making this up)  By 10, by 10, by 10, by 10, by 10, by 10

I had forgotten how very literal 4 year olds are.  Fletcher tried to teach him how to do it, but it wasn't clicking yet.  I kinda like Luke's way better anyway at this point. 

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