Monday, February 7, 2011

Phases and Stages

All kids go through stages and phases.  Just when you think one phase is going to drive you absolutely bonkers, they move on to something else.  One of the "phases" I remember with Fletcher was his need to put tons of toys in a backpack and lug it around the house.  He would cram so many toys in the backpack that I thought the zipper might bust.  If he ever had trouble finding a favorite toy, nine times out of ten it was in a backpack somewhere.  But then he moved on to something else.

Luke's current obsession is making messes.  Dumping stuff out.  Clearing off his bookshelves - not to read the books but just to make a mess.  Piling up the pretend kitchen food under his bed.  Scattering his Legos all over the new dining room/playroom.  Of course, when I tell him it is time to pick it all up, he has a major meltdown. Did I mention he is 3?  It is about to drive me crazy.  We try to get him to put one thing away before he takes something else out, but if I am not on top of my game (which means most days) then he manages to make a huge mess.  I am hoping this phase passes quickly.  No, seriously.  If he stopped tomorrow, I wouldn't be upset. 

Yes, those are all of our shoes that were by the garage door.  We take our shoes off when we come inside.  Some days we end up with tennis shoes, church shoes, basketball shoes, slippers, etc.
He drove around in his truck and threw them out like he was throwing candy from a parade float.  So much for trying to keep the muddy shoes contained in one area.
This was pre-meltdown.  Goodness he sure is cute!


Georgia Girl said...

He is a DOLL! Maybe in a few years we could introduce Luke to Maddy! She will be 2 soon and we have lots of meltdowns. I must say there's nothing like watching a girl hit the floor flat with tears and kicking her feet from her lovely tu-tu!

Aunt Monette said...

That is so funny. He looks like he is delivering newspapers. What a sweetie.