Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Counting Down the Days

We really don't watch much TV at our house. I know - we have cable with 952 channels but there never seems to be anything on. Summer TV stinks. Well, except for the Olympics. Reality tv has reached new lows. Everyone wants their 15 minutes of fame and will do just about anything to get on TV. The game shows seem to last an eternity. And they are even bringing back old stuff like 90210. Are you kidding me? Have we lost all creativity in Hollywood?

I'm ready for the new fall line up. Well, really just one show.

Hurry up Thursday, Sept. 25.


Thom Trahan said...

That's the one I'll be watching too! What a show. It's just too bad Toby is gone.

Anonymous said...

I know...we can't wait at the LeDoux household!!

It is going to be an awesome premiere!!