I love a good deal. I don't like to pay full price for anything if I can help it. In the fall and in the spring several churches in our area hold these mega consignment sales. I didn't really understand all of the hype until I went to one last fall. Lots of stuff. Usually great prices. I went to one a few weeks ago and these are some of my bargains (and the stories that go with them).
This is a Pottery Barn Kids touch on lamp with lampshade. PBK no longer sells this one, but a similar model costs $69 for the touch base and $30 for the lampshade. I was nervous about buying it because it didn't have a light bulb in it for me to test it to see if it worked. But then I thought, "Who would put a broken lamp in a church consignment sale??"
This backpack and lunchbox are also PBK. They looked like they had barely been used. I washed them and they look brand new. A similar backpack on their website is $29- 39 and the matching lunchbox is $19.
At the last sale I bought Fletcher a raincoat. This time I found Luke a raincoat with all kinds of big machines that he loves. The fabric is more like a waterproof coated cotton instead of vinyl. It was $3.
The last purchase just makes me smile. I don't own an ipod. Kevin has one. I think they are cool, but I just haven't been able to justify purchasing one. I occasionally download songs on itunes and make a cd for the car. So when I saw this box that said "Digital Player", I threw it into my basket. (Blogger is being difficult and I can't get these pictures to rotate correctly).
You will be happy to know that I did not learn Chinese (or Japanese) but I did figure it all out and even found some free mp3 downloads of kids songs so our 1 GB mp3 player now has some songs for our listening enjoyment. Now to find more free Lionel Ritchie songs.
I LOVE this blog! I am especially fond of it because I am a HUGE fan of consignment shopping and selling. I just tagged and put almost 400 items in Rock Hill's largest kids sale and made $660! Then I reinvested in our kids clothes and toys spending only $204! This is only the second time I've sold stuff there but it is so worth it.
I'm impressed with your new MP3 player - that cracks me up! Enjoy the music. At least you weren't rick-rolled, although maybe you like 'Never Gonna Give You Up'. :-)
That is amazing that you made that much $$! I bet it took forever to tag everything but so worth it! Be forewarned that by the time C hits the 5T or so stage, boy clothing at these consignment sales look pretty rough. They are suddenly so very hard on their clothes when they turn 5.
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