Monday, December 5, 2011


We love our boys. We love being parents. We are not perfect. We don't know it all. We sometimes wish our kids came with "How To" manuals so we could figure them out. What we have realized is that kids go through phases. And just when you think that particular phase is going to do you in, they move on to another phase. Thank goodness!

Luke turned 4 in August. He is cute, loving and funny. He is also very opinionated about how his world should work. His way. Always. (I would use the term "strong willed" or "stubborn" but I want to avoid labeling my child). Lately, he latches on to something that he does or does not want and WILL NOT LET IT GO. Same question over and over. Not doing what we tell him to do no matter how many different ways we say it. We've tried redirecting, distracting, giving choices, time outs, other consequences, and even spankings. He still isn't getting the fact that he is not "the boss" (yes, he used these words with us -- "I'm the boss!"). It is sort of cute at 4, but it wont' be cute at 14 and it will definitely be problematic at 24 so we are trying to prayerful guide him. And it is wearing me out.

But I know this is just a phase. Just for posterity's sake, I am including this brief video as a reminder to me. We were coming home from the beach a few weeks ago. We have a DVD player in our van. Sometimes we let the kids choose the movies they watch. Other times I choose for them when they can't agree on something. I had chosen a movie (Veggie Tales Jonah which they had seen before and like very much). Luke decided my movie choice was unacceptable. For thirty minutes...30...half an hour...26 miles...this is what we heard over and over again.   In case you can't understand it, he is saying "I want a different movie" over and over again. 

He told me the next day, "Mommy, my throat hurts."  Hmmmm...wonder why.
I'd like to say this was a one time occurrence, but yesterday after church, we went to lunch with some friends. Five of the seven of us were already seated eating our food when Luke decided he wanted to sit somewhere else in the restaurant. He proceeded to scream when we didn't move so Kevin took him out to the van and strapped him in his carseat (which he can't unbuckle). Kevin sat out there with him. We ate our lunch inside and came out about 30 minutes later and he was still screaming. Screamed and cried all the way home too. Part of me wants to just give in, but I know that giving in to his every ridiculous whim is not the best thing to do. 
Like I said, I love being a mom. I am really hoping this phase passes very, very quickly. I heard someone say once that the Bible uses the phrase "and it came to pass" many times. That's because whatever trial or circumstance we are going through will pass eventually otherwise God would have used the phrase "and it came to stay".


Georgia Girl said...

I think all parents should be given a set of earplugs at the hospital before taking their child home - they will need them until their child turns 21!

Anonymous said...

I had to take Dan out of Michaels today because he laid down on the floor and had a screaming fit. I, too, resorted to the car seat. And, I'm currently sporting a black eye where he hit me with a toy truck. He's 2... I'm hoping this passes before 4!!!