Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Who Knew?
I was reading a blog yesterday and there was a link on their sidebar entitled "Smoking Smarties". Of course, I was curious to know if it was talking about the candy or something else so I clicked the link. Remember those little Smarties candies? About 20 little circular disk type candies wrapped in a little plastic tube? Well, kids have figured out that if they crush them and inhale them they can blow smoke out of their mouths that looks exactly like cigarette smoke. I didn't believe it until I saw the video. I don't think it is harmful unless they inhale too much. It makes them cough and sort of burns their throat.
The video below shows some kids demonstrating how it's done along with a Fox & Friends interview. Incidentally, the interview itself could be a separate post entirely (wow, Jeremy could use a speech class). I also loved the "official statement" from the Smarties company. They're probably wondering why Smarties sales have skyrocketed.
So if you are bored this weekend, here's a fun activity for you to try.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Why We Aren't Always Sure Whether He Is Really Hurt Or Not
Now you know why it's a tough call. He's very convincing. The video was actually 4 minutes and 29 seconds long and he danced the entire time. I figured after a minute you'd get the picture. By the way, he picked out his pajamas. What he lacks in fashion, he makes up for in raw dancing talent.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Going Green
I was reading another mom blog recently and she was talking about getting more veggies into her kids. She said she made them "Incredible Hulk Smoothies" which were - you guessed it - GREEN! The secret ingredient was spinach which is really good for you for tons of reasons.
So this week Fletcher helped me make Incredible Hulk smoothies for breakfast(recipe at the end). Both boys loved it. They did taste really good although I have to admit they looked kinda gross. Just perfect for boys though.
Here's the finished product (I told you it didn't look so great).
Here's the "recipe". I use that term loosely because I just sort of threw in what we had and didn't measure anything.
Green Smoothie
1 large handful of spinach (probably around 1 1/2 cups loosely packed)
1 frozen banana
5 frozen large strawberries
handful of frozen blueberries
1 small container of yogurt (I think it was 6 oz berry flavor but any would work)
1/2 cup or more of apple juice/orange juice (we happened to have a little of both - you'll have to play with the amount to get the consistency your kids will drink. I had to make it thin enough so Luke could suck it through his sippy straw)
Blend in a blender. I put the spinach in last and next time I will put it in first. I kept having to scrape down the sides to get the spinach to blend completely.
We will definitely be adding this to our breakfast rotation.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Throwback Thursday / Happy Birthday, Allie!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Happy Birthday, Traci!
Happy Birthday, Traci! We hope you have a wonderful day. We love you & we miss you! Hope to see you soon.
P.S. I thought about putting this picture on the blog but decided to do the rocking horse one instead. How are those Cheetos tasting now? :)
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
We're Back
Here are a few thoughts from our trip --
The graveside services for Kevin's grandmother were very nice. I didn't get to hear most of it because I was walking Luke around the cemetary in the stroller. His hollering and requests for "kee-kas" (crackers) was a little disruptive. He finally fell asleep.
Fletcher was very curious about the entire experience. He boldly introduced himself by his FULL NAME to Kevin's grandfather because we told him Poppa Floyd might not remember him. He asked lots of questions, quoted some scripture to his Aunt Stacie and reminded his Papa Charlie that Grandma Daphne was in no more pain. Oh, and he wanted to see the big hole at the gravesite.
We were able to spend time with family and friends while we were there. We got to see a few of Graham's ball games including the one where he hit a homerun! And we spent alot of playtime at Aunt Stacie's house. Kevin had the wisdom to throw the boys' scooters in the back of the Pilot.
We also went to our old church on Sunday - Thomasville Road Baptist Church. They were having the grand opening of their new children and music buildings. When I was on staff there, those buildings were just ideas on blueprints. It was neat to see the real thing. It also felt good (and a little sad) to be loved and missed by so many people. Most asked if we were moving back. :)
One final story from our trip home. We were in a little town called Louisville, GA. We decided to stop at McDonalds for dinner because on the way to Florida I made the mistake of saying "let's wait until the next exit to eat" and there were no more food places for the next 50 miles. We didn't want to make that same mistake on the way home. The place looked iffy. I ordered two kids meals and got white milk for Luke and chocolate for Fletcher. I happened to check the expiration date on Luke's milk and it was 3/21. Sunday's date: 3/22. I went back to the counter and asked if I could have a different milk since this one was expired. She went to the little refrigerator and pulled the milk out one by one - at least ten of them -and not a single one had an unexpired date. She turned to me and said, "Would you like chocolate instead?" Instead of what??? Letting my child drink expired milk? Of course, I'll take chocolate! Which incidentally had not expired.
But here's the kicker. She put every single one of those expired milks back into the little refrigerator cooler and closed the door. Ready to give to the next customer.
I think I just threw up a little in my mouth when I typed that.
So I suppose if you went to the McDonalds in Louisville, GA Monday morning and had white milk with your breakfast chances are you weren't feeling so great Monday afternoon.
On a serious note I have heard "rumors" that since restaurant business is down because of this bleak economy some restaurants are doing what they can to stretch out the life of the food - like using stuff that they would normally throw out (like expired milk).
Monday, March 23, 2009
Shout Out To Chick Fil A
Friday, March 20, 2009
More From the Firstborn
Here are a few recent ones.
Bedtime for Fletcher
Fletcher: Mom, does the Bible say that God never sleeps?
Mom: Yes, that's what the Bible says. He never sleeps.
Fletcher: Whew, man. He better get some rest!
Laundry Day. I bought some new undergarments courtesy of GapBody. I was taking the tags off of them before I washed them.
Fletcher: Mom, are these new?
Mom: Yes. Why don't you go play with your brother.
Fletcher: Mom, I really like the blue ones and the red ones. They are pretty.
Mom: Thanks. Luke wants you to play with him. Run along.
Fletcher: Mom, your bottom is going to be so happy wearing these nice new soft comfy panties.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Sad Day
We'll be traveling to Tallahassee for graveside services on Friday.
Kevin's Poppa Floyd is in an assisted living facility in Tallahassee and is adjusting to a new life without his wife of many years. Please pray for our family.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Thanks, Addams Family
Note to self: It is difficult for a 5 year old to sing and snap simultaneously.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
I'll Take What I Can Get
I've been trying to get Luke on video saying some of his cute animal noises. Most attempts have been unsuccessful. This is about the best we could do for now in between wrestling matches.
He likes to do them all together and tries to anticipate what I am going to ask next which is why he threw in the "tweet tweet" bird sound. Also, realize that he's never really seen a live goat. I am not sure why he thinks they scrunch up their faces and say "ma ma ma ma" but it is probably my favorite animal noise that he does.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Happy Birthday, Graham!
has grown into this young man!
We love you, Graham! We hope you have an awesome 11th birthday. We pray God will continue to lead you on a steadfast journey into becoming a strong godly young man. Wish we could be there to celebrate with you.
Friday, March 13, 2009
You Scratch My Back. . .
We've had the furniture for awhile now. A little over 7 years. I think about how nice it would be to get new stuff. But then I remember that we have children. Even though we don't let them have food in the living room, the sofa is still looking a little worn. And let's just say that with Luke's runny nose due to allergies, I am neither confirming or denying that he sometimes may or may not use the sofa as his personal Kleenex. Good thing the covers are washable.
Now on to the chair/ottoman. Sadie didn't get the memo that the chair is not for her. She may or may not have put a few scratches on it in the early days but she knows better now. The other day I happened to look at the back of it. This is what I found:
Why, yes, that is not one but two letter "F's" scratched into the leather. Can you guess who may or may not have done that?
Maybe new furniture is overrated.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Throwback Thursday
The place: our house in Tallahassee, FL
The mood: I posted Luke's bubble bath pictures yesterday and then I remember that I had some bubble bath pictures from Fletcher too. Fletcher still loves bubble baths. We tried to make our own bubble bath the other day using grated castille soap, warm water, glycerin and tangerine essential oil but it didn't work. So it's back to Mr. Bubbles until I can find a better recipe.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Happy Birthday, Uncle David!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Garden Update
More carrots. Onions to the left.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Lest Ye Forget
Fletcher and I were coloring at the table Thursday night. We were working on a picture together and he was having fun. He even wrote his name and my name "Mom" at the top of the paper since we were doing it together.
Fletcher: This is gonna look like a picture that a 5 year old and a 20 year old colored.
Mom: (I'll take a compliment when I can get it so I didn't say anything)
Fletcher: Wait. I meant this is gonna look like a picture that a 5 year old and a 40 year old colored.
Cue the Bryan Adams "Love Cuts Like a Knife" music.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Throwback Thursday
His shirt says "Goats On The Roof" - a little place he visited when he went to see Grandma and Papa Charlie this summer. And yes, there really are goats that live on a roof. Ask Fletcher about them someday and he'll tell you all about them.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
page 2
I remember growing up hearing his voice on the radio.
"Hello, Americans. This is Paul Harvey."
"Page 2"
"And now you know. . .the rest of the story."
"I'm Paul Harvey.(super long pause) Good day."
I always wondered if his little stories were true.
He later became the spokesperson for several products. I can't think of a Craftmatic Adjustable Bed without hearing his voice talk about it. Same thing for a Bose Wave Radio.
Radio will not be the same without his voice.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Snow Day!
For the record -- before the first clip Kevin and I BOTH said to Fletcher, "Catch your brother."
Monday, March 2, 2009
We're Off To See The Wizard
A local area theater group was performing The Wizard Of Oz so Fletcher and I went on a "date" to see it Friday night while Kevin and Luke stayed home. This was Fletcher's first theater event and he loved it. He had seen the movie awhile back so he knew the basic storyline. I was a little worried that the witch might scare him. She still scares me! Those monkeys are a little creepy too. He did sit on my lap for the parts with the witch. I'm not sure how it happened, but we ended up with front row seats so we had a perfect view and no one in front of us. All of the actors were area high school students and they did a great job. The Munchkins were elementary age children who also did a great job. The show started at 7:30 and ended at 10:30. I thought for sure that Fletcher would be tired and want to leave at the intermission, but he wanted to stay and see the end. So we did!
The only downside is that Fletcher spent all of Saturday and Sunday walking around chanting "Oh-we-oh. Weee-oh" which is what the witch's Winkies (guards) said. Of course, now that is in our heads too. It got so annoying that Luke started putting his hands over his ears and running away every time Fletcher would say it. Ah, brotherly love.
And just in case you've forgotten about those Winkies, here's what they sound like: